Newport News Firefighters Association
IAFF Local #794
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you should all be aware, the membership voted to once again join the VPFF. This will
require an assessment of $6.00 per member. This letter is notice that we will be voting on
assessing $6.00's (additional dues) to pay for this. This must be tabled 30 days prior to the vote,
to comply with by-laws pertaining to assessing the additional dues. This vote will be by secret
ballot per the local 794 by-laws. To comply with the 30-day required time frame the vote will
take place at the June union meeting.
This $6.00 (VPFF assessment) + $44.00 (current dues) = $50.00.
** Any questions reach out to a board member for clarification. **
Best Regards
Adrian Manning
President IAFF
Local 794